Friday, June 17, 2011

Eleven Months!?

I have to say, this post is kind of hard to write.  It's the last "month" post before Layla turns one!  I absolutely cannot believe how fast time has passed.  I feel like we just brought her home from the hospital, but at the same time, I can't remember her ever being a newborn!  I held a two month old little girl the other day and couldn't believe that Layla was ever that small.  I also took a look through our video camera and watched the videos from earlier this year.  She was so little!  Her round pudgy baby face, no hair, little baby squeaks - she has changed so much!  It made me sad, but at the same time, we have more and more fun with her the older she gets so I know we have wonderful times to come.

Layla, at eleven months you are one bundle of energy.  You aren't walking on your own yet but are getting pretty good with the walker, and you cruise along furniture like a champ.  The other moms at the Little Gym ask me if I ever get a chance to sit down, and the answer is no!  You are constantly on the go and don't like to sit still at all.  One of the advantages of all of that activity is that you are sleeping from 7:30 to 7:30!  It's so great to get some uninterrupted sleep, and you wake up in such a happy mood after a good night's rest.

We've had to do some major childproofing in the house.  We have a baby gate up in the hallway to the kitchen, which you don't like at all.  You stand at the gate and rattle the bars like you're in jail - something your daddy apparently did as a baby as well.  You reach for anything you can get your hands on, so there is a lot of redirecting going on. No major disasters yet!

You really won't take baby food at all anymore.  I can maybe get half a jar of veggies or a whole jar of fruit in you before you start whining for big people food.  For breakfast, you eat oatmeal with baby food fruit mixed in and usually some cut up fruit like strawberries.  For lunch, it's a fruit, a veggie, and some of whatever I'm eating, plus some Puffs or Yogurt Melts.  You have a snack of yogurt or some blueberry whole grain bread in the afternoon, and dinner is a veggie plus whatever we're eating  Your favorite food right now is mandarin oranges - you can't get enough!  And when you eat a fruit cup, you eat all the cherries first before moving on to anything else - totally understandable, those are the best part!  You only drink water and formula at this point, and will only take water from a Nuk sippy cup.  You are totally a Nuk baby -  they are the only bottles or pacifiers you will take as well.  Thank goodness for Nuk!

You are still jabbering quite a bit and try to imitate what we say.  You still only really say "mama", "dada", and "da" (dog) consistently on your own, but if we try to get you to say other words, you'll do your best.  I'm working on "ball" and "bye-bye" with you right now.  You still like to wave and dance, and have recently learned to shake your head no!  It started with imitating us, but now you'll do it in your high chair when you're all done, or when I'm changing your diaper, or even sometimes when I'm trying to put you down for a nap.  You certainly make your opinion known one way or the other!  You've also started clapping, which is too cute.

You give sweet hugs and open-mouth kisses and are an affectionate, sociable little baby.  You have smiles for everyone (except the camera).  We are so proud of our perfect baby girl.  I can't believe you are turning a year next month.  I'm happy and sad at the same time, but every day with you is better and better so I can't be too upset about it! 

Here is a video instead of pictures for this month.  This is from a couple of days ago, right after Layla woke up.  Sorry for the quality and shakiness, it's from my phone:

Next month there will be a birthday party post!!

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