Sunday, May 8, 2011

Nine Months

Layla, you turned nine months old on April 17th.  What a month - you've changed so much in such a short time!  One day you just seemed to decide "OK, I'm ready to get moving now" and haven't looked back since.  You are a busy little girl.  You crawl so fast all over the house, pull up on everything you can (scary for me), and cruise along furniture.  I can't take my eyes off of you for a second.  You follow us everywhere in the house!  If Nick or I run to the other room, we hear your little palms and knees hit the floor and off you go behind us.  It's the cutest thing - I'll purposely go in the kitchen and wait behind the corner for your little head to pop around, searching for me.  It's such a fun time, and it's amazing to watch you grow into an independent little girl.

You had a great report at your nine month check up.  You are right on target for all of the developmental milestones, and are in the 50th-60th percentiles for all of your stats.  You now weigh a little over 18 pounds - most of it in your belly and cheeks!  I haven't seen any new teeth lately, but I think more are on their way since you are chewing on anything you can.

You are definitely making your preferences known as far as food.  You aren't too interested in bottles anymore.  The only time I can really get you to sit still and take a full one is first thing in the morning.  The rest of the day, you are go go go and we have to really work to make you slow down and have a bottle or some water.  I even tried a little juice to see if I could get you more interested but you didn't really take to that either.  However, you are loving big people food!  You've liked most of what we've given you so far.  Anything with cheese is great, and you really like plain bread, yogurt, cut up fruit or veggies, crackers...the list goes on and on.  The only thing we are struggling with is meat - you aren't a big fan (you take after your mom).  But you're getting plenty of protein and the doctor isn't concerned, so we will just keep trying until we find the magic food!

You and your dad are best buddies, honestly.  You two are a pair.  You light up when you see him, cry when he walks away, reach for him constantly, it's crazy.  I think you forgot who carried you for NINE months...You two have so much fun playing and have your own special little games and songs.  I love that you are a Daddy's Girl - and I don't think he minds too much either!

You love to be read to, which makes me so happy.  You have Pat the Bunny memorized and can do everything Paul and Judy can do.  We are working on shapes, colors and counting every day.  I know it doesn't mean too much to you right now, but it's never too early!  You love to be outside, especially when school lets out and you can wave to all of the kids getting off of the bus.  You are happier in the car now, and we got your convertible car seat this weekend which should be a big help since you'll be more comfortable.

You are also a dancing machine.  You bounce to any music you hear, whenever, wherever.  The other day we were out eating and an Aerosmith song came on, and you just danced up a storm in your high chair - people at other tables around us noticed and were laughing.  You also sit and bounce to the music that all of your toys play.  It is so cute, I'll have to get it on video soon.  You are a little daredevil and love to be thrown in the air, held upside down, bounced around.  And if someone is doing any of those things with you and decides to stop, you just throw your head back or try to pop up and make then keep going - tiring, but fun!

We love every minute with you and are so lucky to be your parents.  Love you!!

Hiding from Turk - you stole his ball!

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