Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Aaah...Three Months Old!!

Layla, you turned three months old on Sunday, October 17th.  I can't believe it's already been three months since we had you, time has flown so quickly.  You change every day, and it's bittersweet.  I love to see all of your new tricks and experiences, but sometimes I wish I could freeze time and keep you as my baby forever...

You weigh 12.5 pounds and are 22 inches long.  You eat 6-7 oz every 3 hours, and usually sleep from 9pm to 6am (other than the last couple of nights, but we won't get into that.)  You are in size 1 diapers and wear 3-6 month clothing.  You've officially rolled over three times, so the tummy time seems to be paying off, even though you still hate it!

You absolutely love to be sung to, we can always get big smiles from you with silly songs.  You also get super excited when it's bath time and kick and wiggle the whole time.  And I love to come get you when you wake up from a nap.  I lean over to say hi, and you look at me for a second and then break out into a huge smile.  You are also already a Daddy's Girl - when he gets home and comes to give you a kiss, you let out a squeal when you see his face.

Your rainforest mat is still your favorite, and it's really fun to watch you discover and reach for new toys.  You get a very serious look on your face to study everything you see - we call it your "Judging" face.  You are also starting to experience a bit of stranger anxiety - sometimes you get overwhelmed if there are a lot of new faces at once.  I'm trying to make sure that we get out somewhere every day so that you become more accustomed to being out and about with other people and places.

I've loved and treasured every second with you so far.  We are so proud of our beautiful little baby!

Layla on her three month birthday

Starting to get annoyed with the camera

"OK Mom, I'm over the pictures!"


  1. I can't believe how big she is getting. Time is flying by. She is so cute though!!!

  2. I love the headband... girls are so fun when it comes to all that... she truly is adorable Jackie!
