Wednesday, July 6, 2011


Back in December, I said that my best Christmas present was the New Kids on the Block/Backstreet Boys tickets from Nick.  Well, the concert was June 25th, and I was totally right!  Jamie and I went and had a BLAST!  The seats Nick got us were so great (as you'll see by the pics and videos, yes, videos) so we were able to see a lot and have a really fun time.

We started the night by parking and walking over to the Pavilion downtown to have dinner before the concert.  Every place was packed with girls our age dressed to the nines!  Any guesses where everyone was headed?  We ended up just eating appetizers at the bar since the wait was something like two hours, then we headed back over to the Toyota Center and had just enough time to get settled in our seats before the lights dimmed and the crazy screaming began.

Jordan Sparks opened the show, and she did really good!  I only know a few of her songs, but she closed with one I've never heard called "I Am Woman" or something like that that I really liked.  Need to look it up on iTunes. 

When she was done, she said something like "Ready for NKOTBSB?" and basically from then on it was constant screaming...

They opened the show with a mash-up, so both groups came out. 

Seriously, this was such a fun concert!  After the first number, one band would sing a song or two, then the other - basically switching back and forth.  They sang all of their hits - songs I have not heard in so long!  One of the best parts was that they really re-created how they originally sang them, all the same dance moves and everything, so it really brought back memories!  I was the biggest New Kids fan ever, had everything you could think of - normal stuff like t-shirts and posters, and crazy stuff like pillows, dolls, and trading cards.

Here are some more pictures from the concert.  My stupid camera died halfway through, but you get the idea of what it was like!

So intense...

Do you recognize these moves, ladies?

And here are the videos.  OK.  Just a disclaimer.  The movement is due to me being jostled, NOT because I was dancing.  And none of the screams you hear are from me.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

So, when I said that Nick got us great seats, one of the biggest reasons why is because the guys from both bands actually came into the audience during a couple of songs, and we were right there!

Here is Jordan coming up close.  Jordan was Jamie's favorite (I was a Joey fan myself) so I didn't mind when she grabbed me by the shoulders and shoved me out of the way to get close...All is fair in love and NKOTB...If you pause my blog music you can hear them singing "Tonight", I love that song!

Now, here are Howie and AJ from BSB walking right by us!  A couple of songs before this, the Toyota Center people started roping off our aisle, so everyone knew something was going to happen and started freaking out and shoving.  Grown women acting like animals, I tell ya!

At the end of the video, you'll see a hand kind of reach out and wave to Howie.  That was Jamie, and although you cant really tell in the video, he made eye contact with her and pointed and waved back!

So, mine and Jamie's dream from 18 years ago finally came true, and we got to see New Kids and Backstreet Boys in concert.  It was so fun, and I wouldn't have wanted to go with anyone else!  If they come to Houston again, we are there!


  1. what a fun post! I did however think I heard a coupl Jackie screams in there... wink! I am so jealous!

  2. I'm dying laughing - awesome post!!
