Monday, January 31, 2011

Six Months

Layla turned six months old in January.  I can't believe we are halfway to a year already!

This age is such a blast, we are having such a wonderful time with our little girl.  Layla, your personality is really starting to come through!  You laugh and smile all the time, still love to be sung to, and love getting kisses! When you get excited, you bury your little head into our shoulders and laugh and bounce around.  My favorite times are just me, you, Daddy, and the dogs on the floor, no toys, just us playing and laughing.  You babble all the time - your favorites are "mamamama" and "blahblahblah".  Personally, I think you know I'm "Mama" - you only seem to say it when I'm around :)  You're sitting up on your own now, so we have a lot of fun playing with your bath toys during bathtime!  You scoot on the floor a little bit, but your main mode of transportation is rolling to get where you want.  We'll put you down, look away for a sec, and when we turn back around, you're two feet over facing the opposite direction!  Time to start the childproofing...

You eat every three hours, starting at around 4:30 AM.  You have oatmeal and fruit in the morning, veggies at night, and four 6 to 8 ounce bottles a day.  We started introducing water in a sippy cup, and can usually get a couple of ounces in you, but it's definitely not your favorite and we usually end up with a soaked bib.

Sleeping...not going the greatest.  You go to bed around 8, but will wake up anywhere from 11pm-1am, then again at around 3, then up for a bottle at 4:30, then back to sleep until around 6:30.  I hear other moms say that their babies sleep 12 hours straight.  We definitely aren't there yet, but that's OK - more time for me to snuggle my little girl!  This time is flying by and I know soon you won't want to be held and rocked, so I cherish any time we have now, even if I am half-asleep!  Here are a couple of cute sleeping pics (notice neither one is actually in your crib).

Nice and comfy in our bed

You still love your swing the best!

 At your six month appointment, you weighed 15 lbs, 15 oz, are a little under 26 inches long, and are in the 50th to 60th percentile for length, weight, and head size.  You are still in six month clothes but I think we're going to have to move up a size pretty soon.  And I have to say, I'm really liking the cold weather because I think you look SO CUTE in your winter clothes.  You are just this little bundle of fleece with a head peeking out and I love it!

You have two new tricks - fake coughing and sticking out your tongue.  I feel bad when we're out in public because one of two things usually happens.  We either walk around with you "coughing" and me ignoring it, making me look like a bad mom that doesn't care that her kid is sick, or someone comes up to us to comment on you or give you a little tickle and you stick your tongue out at them...Oh well!

And even though you are a full year too young, Daddy bought you your first 4-Wheeler - Disney Princess Edition.  You riding around on it (with Daddy's help, of course) is one of the most precious things I've seen you do so far.  You have a very solemn look on your face when you're riding around the living room - you take it very seriously.  You're surprisingly good at staying on it too!

Combo of the 4-wheeler and your new trick!

We love you so much, little girl!

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